Character Breakdown

Mollie Ralston – a young newlywed, embarking on an adventure of running Monkswell Manor with her husband of one year.

Giles Ralston – an energetic young newlywed, devoted to his wife, and set on making Monkswell Manor his livelihood…even if he doesn’t know quite what he’s doing just yet.

Christopher Wren – Flighty and a bit peculiar, Wren is the first guest to arrive at Monkswell Manor.

Mrs. Boyle – Bad tempered and generally unpleasant, Mrs. Boyle finds everything possible to complain about during her stay at Monkswell Manor.

Major Metcalf – a retired army major in manner and character.  Friendly, practical, and good-tempered.

Miss Casewell – masculine in appearance and demeanor, Miss Casewell is a bit aloof.

Mr. Paravicini – the unexpected visitor.  His accent seems to be fake as does his appearance.  

Detective Sergeant Trotter – cheerful and pleasant detective who is there to help solve a local murder mystery.

Setting: Monkswell Manor in winter. The story unfolds over two days.

Time: Post-war, early 1950’s